News and Updates


Dead Too, Rights is a free online work of fiction. There are no advertisements or money-making efforts used on the site. As such, I've pulled various images found online to enhance the storyline. If you are the owner of an image used here and object to having it displayed, please contact me at sickgrace AT gmail DOT com.

The original plan was to break the story into separate books with Dead Too, Rights (DtR) being the first and Dead of Winter (DoW) being the second. The intent was to have DtR cover the character's actions during the first few weeks of the apocalypse in great detail and speed the narrative timeline along at a brisker pace in DoW, delving into survival through the volcanic winter. To that end, I now refer to Chapters 1-6 as Dead Too, Rights and Chapters 6+ as Dead of Winter.

That might seem confusing but as you can see from the Table of Contents to the left, the Chapters simply continue in number with six Entries per Chapter.

Feedback is greatly appreciated as this is my first attempt at writing anything beyond short stories.

New readers start here!

Thanks for visiting!

News and Updates

  • April 1st, 2011: The end of Chapter 9 marks a new phase in the Dead Too, Rights storyline. I've post a brief entry called Intermission to help break it up a little bit. Chapter 10 - Entry 1 will see the story shift to a different character's perspective. No April's Fools joke. :) Hope you enjoy!

  • March 30th, 2011: We now have a new Facebook page up for the story. Clicky the linky and do whatever social media stuff folks normally do. Chapter 9 - Entry 4 was also just posted. Enjoy!

  • March 27th, 2011: I'm finally feeling better and put up a pair of new entries. Hopefully things will cook right along now. Thanks for your words of kindness and patience. :)

  • January 27th, 2011: Chris Philbrook over at Adrian's Undead Diary graciously gave us some forum space for discussion of Dead Too, Rights. Feel free to drop by, leave comments and ask me any questions about the book, setting and character's therein. Also be sure to have a look at Chris's work!

  • January 27th, 2011: Added a new short story titled 'I know. I counted.' to the Other Stories page. Hope you enjoy!

  • January 5th, 2011: Finished Chapter 7.

  • January 2nd, 2011: Finished the reformat and review of previous posts. Back to work posting entries!

  • January 1st, 2011: Happy New Year!

  • December 30th, 2010: The first two entries for Chapter 7 are up. At this point I'm taking a short break to reformat the website since my understanding of Blogger has grown. Some new graphics and easier navigation have been implemented. Now I'm going back to the beginning to fix errors, typos and grammar.

  • December 27th, 2010: I finished the final entry for Chapter 6. Originally I'd planned to make Dead Too, Rights six chapters long with six entries per chapter. The goal then was to begin another book entitled Dead of Winter which would continue the story and focus on the multi-year volcanic winter created by Yellowstone's eruption.

    Since this is an online work of fiction, I decided to simply continue the current book as is. Don't have to worry about a physical copy getting too heavy to hold, right? So Chapter 7 is in the works.

  • December 25th, 2010: Merry Christmas!
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